Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Now you can to buy fireworks – Sales are expected to skyrocket this year

According to a forecast from the Danish Chamber of Commerce, the Danes intend to end the year with a major consumer boom.

The Danes will approximately buy fireworks for 450 million kroner this year.

From Tuesday, it is legal to buy fireworks in Danish shops. However, you have to wait until December 27 before it is legal to fire the gunpowder.

This is the prediction in a forecast that the Danish Chamber of Commerce has prepared on the basis of a population survey.

The amount will then correspond to an increase of 13 percent compared to last year according to the business organization.

The expectation is not due to more households being expected to buy fireworks. But the amount of money each household will spend on gunpowder this year is likely to be higher than last year.

This is explained by Frederik Bergenfelt Friis, who is a political consultant at Dansk Erhverv.

– It is difficult to predict consumers’ buying behavior in these times, but we predict that the Danes with the paid holiday pay will increase their consumption of fireworks a bit, he says.

Corona restrictions can affect sales

He emphasizes that the investigation was carried out in November and the beginning of December, and that the latest coronary restrictions were therefore not announced at that time.

Thus, the forecast is subject to uncertainty, the consultant explains.

About a quarter of Danish households will spend money on fireworks.

Zealand – minus Copenhagen and the surrounding area – as well as Lolland and Falster are expected to account for the largest consumption.

Here, according to the forecast, each household will buy fireworks for an average of 230 kroner.

In addition to the holiday pay paid out, Frederik Bergenfelt Friis also believes that the partial closure may mean that the Danes will buy more gunpowder than usual.

The average household spends 170 kroner on fireworks

Among other things, it is conceivable that you buy a little extra gunpowder if you only have to celebrate New Year with a few friends, he explains.

– In addition, there will probably be fewer people in restaurants, as they are closed. So here you might want to spend some of the money from the restaurant visit on fireworks instead, says Frederik Bergenfelt Friis.

An average household is expected to spend 170 kroner on fireworks this year.

From Tuesday, it is legal to buy fireworks in Danish shops. However, you have to wait until December 27 before it is legal to fire the gunpowder.

The questionnaire was prepared by Norstat for the Danish Chamber of Commerce and is based on answers from 1001 people.

Source: nyheder.tv2.dk

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