Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Latest Corona Figures From Denmark And The World: So Many Are Infected, Dead And Hospitalized


Get an overview here of how many have been hospitalized and infected after the outbreak of covid-19 – and how the infection has spread.

  • Posted: 350
  • Intensive: 87
  • In respirator: 76
  • Dead: 34
  • Tested: 14870
  • Positive: 1715

More than 30 Danes infected with coronavirus have now lost their lives.

 It is still too early to say how steep our epidemic curve will be in Denmark. If we look beyond Europe, the situation will worsen day by day, Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said on Tuesday.

The number of inpatients has continued to increase over the weekend and into the week.

A forecast from the National Board of Health shows that when the corona epidemic peaks, 991 beds with a respirator may be needed .

At Monday’s press conference, Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said there are now a total of 1060 respirators ready.

The median age of the dead on Wednesday was 80 years.

On Wednesday, authorities announced age distribution among those killed:

  • 1-5 people aged 50-59 are dead.
  • 1-5 people aged 60-69 years have died.
  • 10-14 people aged 70-79 have died.
  • Seventeen people over 80 have died.

According to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the current figure for death is “not directly comparable” to the figures announced by the authorities until Saturday, March 21, when the figure was 13 dead. On Monday, that figure was revised up to 24. This is due to a new calculation method. The figures were previously collected via the CPR register. Now they happen via the Death Cause Register, which is updated more often.

It is the hospitals of the Capital Region in particular that have received the seriously ill.

Almost all intensive care patients are placed on a respirator. By March 21, 23 percent of confirmed infected patients had been hospitalized for at least 12 hours. There are many elderly people in particular among the hospitalized.

On March 12, the National Board of Health announced that they were switching from a containment strategy to a mitigation strategy, with tests being given priority to patients who are seriously ill.

Earlier versions of this graph have shown fewer confirmed cases. This is because the State Serum Institute continuously receives data on tests performed one or more days ago and therefore continuously adjusts the historical graph.

The municipalities with the highest concentration of corona-infected people are located primarily around the capital and in Zealand.

Two out of three confirmed infected are men, and the largest age group among the covid-19 positives is people in their 40s. These are also the ones that have been tested the most.

30 percent of Danes who have recently been infected with coronavirus have been under the age of 60, Politiken wrote Monday . The figures are not surprising, says the Norwegian Serum Institute.

Most of the confirmed infected viruses have accumulated in Denmark. So far, most cases have been Danish tourists on holiday in Austria .

Right now, however, Europe’s biggest outbreak is taking place in Spain and Italy.

Worldwide, it is clearly China, which, overall, is the hardest hit with the most infected. It was here that the virus was first discovered. On March 11, it had spread so wide that the World Health Organization, WHO, declared it a pandemic .

But more recently, new infections have been registered outside of China, and on Thursday, March 12, Søren Brostrøm, director of the National Board of Health, told us that a new epicenter for the infection has come – and that is Europe.

China break the curve for new infected, but in reality , many more can be tested positive . According to clandestine Chinese government data, which the Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post has seen, a further 43,000 people were tested positive at the end of February, quarantined and supervised, but not recorded in the official figures for confirmed cases of infection.

The reason was that they had no symptoms of the disease covid-19.

All the figures in this article are from The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in the United States, which collects information on confirmed numbers of infected from a number of countries’ health authorities.

For Denmark, however, we obtain the latest figures directly from the National Board of Health , the Danish Agency for Patient Safety and the State Serum Institute . The number of infected is the total number of people who have tested positive for covid-19 at some point.

Therefore, there are no Danish figures for quick reports

Since TV 2 journalist Jakob Tage Ramslyng was reported fast, many readers have asked why figures for fast-talking Danes are not published. This is because the Danish authorities consider it too resource-intensive. Right now, the number of confirmed infections is based on data capture from the Danish health records.

– In other countries, health care providers typically have to report each case via telephone, a form or electronic notification form, and they must later update the information about prompt notification, says Department Head Tyra Grove Krause of the State Serum Institute:

– It can become really resource-heavy when there are many cases, and often the information about the quick report will stop, which is why we have opted out in Denmark.

She adds that the authorities are working on an electronic algorithm that, among other things by looking at the date of discharge, can calculate the number of prompt reports without requiring further communication with patients.

Regions and countries not to travel to

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs discourages all travel to:

  • China: Hubei Province
  • Italy: Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Aosta Valley, Veneto and Marche
  • Iran
  • South Korea: The city of Daegu and the province of Gyeongbuk
  • Austria: Land of Tyrol

The Ministry discourages all unnecessary travel to the rest of the world.

Mortality in size

The World Health Organization, WHO, reported on March 3 that covid-19 has so far appeared to have a 3.4 percent mortality rate among confirmed cases. However, it is far from all the infected that get registered. Many have no or so mild symptoms that they do not come into contact with doctors or hospitals at all.

Taking into account the dark figure among those who are never discovered, the WHO’s calculations show that mortality among all those infected is 0.3-1.0 percent.

It is significantly lower than covid-19’s sister diseases, MERS and SARS, at 34.4 and 9.6 percent, respectively, but at the same time significantly higher than the common flu, which has a 0.2 percent mortality rate.

Up to 10 percent of Danes are expected to be infected

In a risk assessment from March 11, the Danish health authorities estimate that the disease covid-19 can lead to between 1680 and 5600 deaths in Denmark.

It is estimated that up to 10 percent of the Danish population will be infected with the coronavirus.

Of those infected, it is estimated that 80 percent will have mild to moderate illness, while 15 percent will have a disease that will require hospital treatment. 5 percent of those infected will need intensive treatment.

– However, it is expected that the Danish health service will be able to implement highly effective measures that make the mortality expected to be at the low end of the spectrum, the risk assessment states.

Also remember to clean extra so that the infection is not allowed to lie down and can spread. Both at home and at work.

Read about all the precautions you should take at the National Board of Health .

Such are the symptoms

The first symptoms are fever, a feeling of exhaustion and dry cough. Some patients have also had muscle pain and difficulty breathing, while headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting have been reported rarely.

It takes 2-12 days, from being exposed to infection, to becoming ill.

Therefore, one can die from covid-19

Covid-19 appears to be more dangerous than a common cold virus because it attacks the lower respiratory tract. A cold usually settles only in the head and neck, while covid-19 attacks the lungs. In severe cases, pneumonia, water in the lungs, kidney failure and death from the disease can occur.

The disease is most dangerous for the elderly and infirm.

Source: nyheder.tv2.dk

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