Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Hundreds of British tourists fled from corona quarantine


Under cover of darkness and a dense fog, up to 400 British tourists have left their quarantine at Swiss ski resorts.

When the Swiss authorities reacted on 21 December to the new contagious variant of coronavirus, which is spreading in the UK in particular, a large group of tourists got stuck.

All persons who had entered Switzerland from the United Kingdom since 14 December were to be quarantined for ten days.

Many of them were quarantined one day before leaving the area under cover of darkness

Jean-Marc Sandoz, Head of Communications, Bagnes

Thus, the British tourists who were on holiday in Switzerland were suddenly subject to the quarantine that required them to stay in their hotels.

But there was apparently not much support to do so.

Out of 420 Britons, identified by the local authorities in the ski area Verbier, there are today only about ten left, writes the German news agency DPA.

– Many of them were quarantined one day before leaving the area under cover of darkness, says Jean-Marc Sandoz, communications manager in the municipality of Bagnes, where Verbier is located, to the newspaper Sonntagszeitung .

No one picked up the phone

The newspaper writes that the disappearance of many of the British guests was only discovered when the telephones in the quarantine rooms were not answered and the food placed in front of the room doors was left untouched.


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