Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Danish coronavirus

Highest number of new corona cases since early October

Danish coronavirus
In the last 24 hours, a further 529 cases of coronavirus have been registered in Denmark.

A further 529 cases of coronavirus have been registered in Denmark in the last 24 hours. This is shown by the daily statement from the Statens Serum Institut.

This is the highest number of new cases of infection since October 2, when 536 cases of coronavirus were registered.

There have been responses of 37,028 on samples. This equates to 1.4 percent of them being positive for coronavirus.

On Monday, 1.5 percent of the samples were positive. Nevertheless, the share has risen since September and early October, when it was below or around 1 percent.

This prompted Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) on Tuesday to express concern:

“It is worrying, and it is our assessment, that we are entering a more serious phase,” said the Prime Minister.

And the positive percentage is the right number to keep an eye on. This is the opinion of Thea Kølsen Fischer, professor of viral epidemics and infections at the University of Copenhagen and head of research at North Zealand Hospital.

– When the positive percentage as now rises over several weeks of observation, it is not because we are heading to a good place in the epidemic.

– It indicates that there are, for example, guidelines that either do not work as intended or are not complied with, she says.

The number of inpatients has decreased by 1, so that there are now 128 inpatients with coronavirus in the Danish hospitals.

Nevertheless, Thea Kølsen Fischer believes that the latest development with more inpatients must be slowed down.

– As it has looked in the last few weeks, we have seen a slight increase in the number of admissions in Denmark.

– Not something that is pushing the health service’s capacity at the moment, but it is the development that we should preferably have slowed down, she says.

Of the 128 inpatients, 15 are admitted to the intensive care unit, of which 9 are on a respirator. On Monday, the numbers were 18 and 11, respectively.

Two corona-related deaths have been recorded since Monday.

/ ritzau /

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