Ahenfo Radio Denmark
United States a new president

Here are the times that can give the United States a new president

United States a new president

Thursday night or Friday night, several U.S. media outlets may announce a president.

After a couple of dramatic days in the US presidential election campaign, it is still not decided who will be the next president of the United States.

But right now there is silence before the storm, says TV 2’s US analyst, Mirco Reimer-Elster.

Before long, it may all be over, and the world may be wiser about whether it will be Biden or Trump who runs with the victory.

This is an incredibly close election, and many of the states are extremely close right now. Therefore, one has to count it all to know for sure who will win Georgia, Pennsylvania and Nevada.

According to Mirco Reimer-Elster, American media may announce a president as early as Thursday evening or in the late hours of Danish time. See which times can be decisive here:

Right now: Voting numbers have just been updated in the state of Nevada. Here, Joe Biden has now overtaken Donald Trump. The Democratic candidate now leads by almost a full percentage point,

Kl. 21.00: The state of Georgia is expected to hold a press conference with a status on the count. It was previously reported that the final count would be completed by 6 p.m. Donald Trump led this afternoon by about 19,000 votes in the southeastern state. Tonight, the president’s lead over Joe Biden has narrowed.

Kl. 03.00: Here, Arizona’s major constituency Maricopa County is expected to provide an update on the vote count. 275,000 votes are yet to be counted here, but media outlets like Fox News and the news agency AP are Arizona voters already won by Biden.

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