Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Denmark stops vaccinating with AstraZeneca

According to DR’s information, the authorities are now assessing that AstraZeneca should be removed from the vaccination program.

According to DR’s information, Denmark will stop that vaccinate with AstraZeneca.

14 o’clock holds the authorities apress conference where they will tell more aboutvaccines . This morning, the parliamentary parties have been informed of the assessmentthe authorities have reached out on the situation right now.

Health set March 11 AstraZeneca vaccine paused because of indbetninger for more severe cases of blood clots, decrease in platelet count and bleeding.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has since concluded that there is likely to be a link between the rare blood clots and AstraZeneca vaccines .

Here at home, we know that one Danish woman has died after she has becomevaccinated with AstraZeneca.

In Denmark, 595 have been vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine , while 149,890 people have received the first dose out of two.

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