Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Denmark pauses AstraZeneca vaccine : Suspicion of side effects with blood clots

One of the reports deals with a death in Denmark, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority informs.

The corona vaccine from AstraZeneca will be paused after reports of severe cases of blood clots in people who have beenvaccinated with covid-19-the vaccine from AstraZeneca.

It informs The National Board of Health , which is responsible for the roll-out of corona vaccines in Denmark.

One of the reports deals with one deaths in Denmark.

It can, however, according to The National Board of Health , at present, does not definitively conclude whether there is a connection betweenthe vaccine and the blood clots.

– We are in the middle of the largest and most important vaccination rollout in Danish history. And right now we need all of themvaccines we can get. It is therefore not an easy decision to put one offthe vaccines on pause, says Søren Brostrøm, director ofThe National Board of Health ,in a press release.

– But precisely because we vaccinate so many, then we also need to respond with timely care when there is knowledge of possible serious side effects. We need to clarify this before we can continue to use itthe vaccine from AstraZeneca.

The National Board of Health also states that there is “goodevidence thatthe vaccine is both safe and effective “.

– But both we and the Danish Medicines Agency have to react to reports of possible serious side effects, both from Denmark and other European countries, says Søren Brostrøm.

About side effects

  • •People who have been vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine within the past two weeks – and who experience symptoms for more than three days – are encouraged to see their own doctor.
  • •In addition, you are encouraged to contact your own doctor if new symptoms appear within two weeks after the vaccine, after any commonly known and transient symptoms have disappeared during the first days after the vaccination.
  • Source: The Danish Medicines Agency

Break for two weeks

The break lasts until further notice for two weeks, after which The National Board of Health together with the Danish Medicines Agency will make a new assessment.

This morning, the Agency has contacted the vaccine managers in regions and asked them to suspend vaccinationsthe vaccine from the British-Swedish vaccine manufacturer.

Several other countries have also stopped using the AstraZeneca vaccine , including Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg and Lithuania, while the case is being investigated by the European Medicines Agency.

According to the European Medicines Agency, EMA, until 9 March reported 22 cases of blood clotsin the approximately three million people who have beenvaccinated with AstraZenecavaccines iME .

The Danish Medicines Agency: Coherence not yet proven

At home, AstraZeneca-the vaccine was initially offered to frontline staff in the social and health sector when there was a shortagedocumentation of how largeeffect the vaccine had for older age groups.

Since then, however, the Danish health authorities have assessed that it could be used for anyone over the age of 18 , which provided an opportunity to initiate several vaccination courses.

A total of 142,102 Danes received the first plug with AstraZenecathe vaccine , which corresponds to a quarter of those who have been vaccinated for the first time with a corona vaccine in Denmark.

Head of Unit Tanja Erichsen from the Danish Medicines Agency encourages you to take it easy if you have been vaccinated with AstraZenecasvaccine.

– I understand well if you are worried, but you must keep in mind that no connection has yet been proven between the vaccines from AstraZeneca and the cases of blood clots. That is what we will now investigate,she said in a press release.

Vaccination plans are delayed

Now that the vaccine is paused, those who have time for the first vaccination with an AstraZenecavaccine , so far will not bevaccinated .

Nor if they have already gotten the first plug of one vaccine.

All booked times and invitations for vaccination with the vaccine from AstraZeneca is therefore canceled in the first instance, while times for other vaccine types are maintained.

The plans for when we can each expect to stay vaccinated , in parallel with today’s announcement of AstraZeneca has been updated in a new version, wherethe vaccine from AstraZeneca has been completely removed.

If it’s going to be the outcome, is the forecast that all citizens of Denmark may first be offered the first shot of onevaccine no later than week 28 and be vaccinated four weeks later – ie in mid-August.

If the use of AstraZeneca becomes resumed , the vaccination calendar will be updated again.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) is upset about the case.

– Of course it is with regret that we receive the experiences and this news, because we are so incredibly dependent on being vaccinated everyone, says Mette Frederiksen to the press during a visit to Herlev Hospital.

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