Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Coronavirus Disease Information Including Sars, Mers And Covid-19


Coronavirus has a circular cover with protrusions all around which gives them a crown-like appearance in the electron microscope, hence the name. There are a large number of viruses that belong to the coronavirus family, most of which are found in different animal species. Only a few types of virus can infect animals and humans.

This information does not claim to be comprehensive or constantly updated, but aims to provide an overview of infectious diseases that are important for infection prevention work.

The seven coronaviruses that you know can infect people cause very varied symptoms, some of these viruses are very common and usually cause common cold. The variants sars, mers and covid-19 can cause much more serious respiratory disease.

New coronavirus covid-19

At the end of 2019, a new coronavirus that can infect humans was confirmed in Wuhan City, China. The contagion spread was originally thought to have occurred to humans from animals in a market, but soon spreads from human to human. The outbreak is still ongoing. On March 11, the WHO classified it as a pandemic.

The virus causes fever and respiratory problems and pneumonia. Serious illness has mainly affected the elderly and those with underlying illnesses.
Read more about the new corona virus


In 2003-2004, the world suffered from an epidemic of a new coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome. The outbreak caused around 8,000 cases, of which over 750 died. Around 20 percent of those affected were healthcare professionals. The infection first occurred in China but spread to several countries via travelers. Probably the infection came from bats that infected humans via other animal species. Probably low levels of care hygiene measures, a strong international infection prevention work and the relatively low contagiousness of the virus behind the cessation of infection ceased. Since then, no new case of social infection has been registered.


In 2012, a new variant of coronavirus was discovered on the Arabian Peninsula, causing severe pneumonia and complications from other organs, especially renal failure. The virus is called mers coronavirus (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome corona virus) and the disease is called mers. The virus is still spreading. All cases have been linked to infection in countries in the Arabian Peninsula, although occasional cases have also been detected among those who have been in close contact with infected patients in South Korea, the United Kingdom, France and Italy. The source of infection is still unknown. Here, too, it is thought that it was originally a zoonotic infection as this virus, like Sars, is similar to a virus found in bats. It has also been found that infection can occur in camels and this is considered to be the likely source of infection even if it is not completely clear. The presence of infection between people has been demonstrated, especially in connection with the care of the sick, but to a limited extent. So far, most cases have had underlying illnesses that may have made them extra sensitive.

What causes coronavirus infection and how does it spread?

Coronavirus is divided into at least three subgroups, alpha, beta, and gamma. The seven viruses that cause human disease belong to the alpha and beta groups. Except for SARs, the routes of transmission are not fully defined, but in the main it is believed that the spread of infection occurs through contact infections or through the air from coughs and sneezes.

Most people are likely to be infected by the coronavirus that causes common cold at some point in life and you can get sick several times.

Symptoms and complications

In most cases, coronavirus infecting humans causes mild cold symptoms, cough, sore throat and fever. In sars, mers and covid-19, more serious illness can occur with pneumonia, difficulty breathing and affecting other organs. Elderly people with certain underlying illnesses may be at greater risk of more serious illness. For covid-19, it is primarily high age that has been identified as a decisive risk factor.

Diagnosis and treatment

Molecular biological detection of the virus’s inheritance or presence of antibodies in blood. Coronavirus can also be diagnosed by virus isolation in cell culture. There is no specific treatment.


General preventive measures against infection are to wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face or eyes, and avoiding close contact with sick people.

Measures in cases of occurrence or outbreak

Common coronaviruses are not required to report, but SARS and covid-19 are considered as a socially dangerous disease and are subject to reporting and infection detection. Infection with mers-coronavirus is also mandatory for reporting and infection detection. Specific recommendations are available for the management of patients with these diseases.

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