Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Assembly bans of more than 50 people now also apply to private events


From tomorrow, private gatherings in town halls may not exceed 50 guests.

The authorities extend the assembly ban to a maximum of 50 people, so that it now also applies to private events held, for example, in restaurants and in assembly halls.

Among other things, it will hit weddings and other parties. The change will take effect tomorrow at 12 noon.

– You could say that we turn down the party to keep the rest of society going, says Minister of Health and the Elderly Magnus Heunicke (S).

– It’s incredibly unfortunate for those who have planned parties tomorrow. They must start cutting down on the guest list, he adds at a press conference about the current corona situation.

Here he also states that the national restrictions will be extended until and including 18 October. Among other things, they mean that restaurants, bars and cafés throughout the country must close at 10 pm.

The reason for the new austerity measures is the development in the spread of infection, where a further 678 corona cases have been registered in Denmark today, which is the highest daily number measured since the epidemic came to the country in March.

– The level is too high and it continues to rise. The increase came earlier than we expected, both in Denmark and the rest of Europe. Developments remain worrying, the minister said.

Every fourth of the new infected is in the age group 20-29 years, which also worries Magnus Heunicke.

Does not apply to private homes

The ban on being more than 50 people for the party or funeral does not apply in private homes. This is because the police in principle refrain from restricting citizens’ freedom in their own homes, says National Police Chief Thorkild Fogde.

Still, he urges that you have no more than 50 guests in your home.

Acting Director of the Danish Agency for Patient Safety Anette Lykke Petri says that lately it is parties that drive the spread of infection.

– We have seen examples of 30, 40 and 50 infected in a chain of infection that has started for a party, she says.


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